The daft old man who stole a magic box and ran away.
The world’s first colour footage – shot in 1902 by Edward Raymond Turner (featured in the sixth gif) – England.
Dennis Hopper y Christopher Walken en la famosa escena de los sicilianos de ‘True Romance’, de Tony Scott.
Scott murió el domingo al saltar desde un puente de Los Angeles.
For years, I thought I was the only one that sang along to the semi-melodious tones of things like scanners, printers, and floppy drives. The recent glut of floppy drive music proves I was wrong, and this latest video featuring the Doctor Who theme song played by eight drives is a real high-water mark. Maybe its the weird techno-y feel, or the ancient technology resurrected, but it just seems to work.

La primera página del guion de Avatar (2009) James Cameron.
Doctor Who Intros 1963-2010