Vintage style posters of sci-fi classics.
Mach Baron. Another 70s show with awesome style that I haven’t finished but hope does also blow minds.
El Cachorro – Asalto a Almuñécar (Portada nº 120)
El cachorro fue una serie de cuadernos de aventuras creada por Juan García Iranzo y publicada por Editorial Bruguera entre 1951 y 1960 en forma de folletín.
El primer ejemplar de la colección se publicó en diciembre de 1951. El autor se inspiró para la creación de esta serie en las películas de piratas estadounidenses de los años treinta, como “El capitán Blood” o “El Corsario Negro”, así como en el libro “El médico de los piratas”, las memorias del médico del famoso capitán Morgan. Por otro lado, Iranzo ya había realizado anteriormente una historieta de piratas, El pirata desconocido (revista Chicos, 1945).
Hasta su desaparición en 1960 llegaron a publicarse un total de 213 números en formato de cuadernillos de aventuras. El autor prefirió acabar la serie, a pesar de su éxito, en lugar de plegarse a las exigencias de Bruguera, que pretendía aumentar el ritmo de publicación, lo que hubiese obligado a Iranzo a ceder su personaje a otros dibujantes.
Posteriormente tuvo una reedición 1976 en forma de cuadernos, pero comenzando en su lucha contra los piratas berberiscos, y en 1983 en su formato original.
Retro publicidad: The VideoBrain Family Computer (model 101) is an 8-bit home computer manufactured by Umtech Incorporated, starting in 1977. It is based on the Fairchild Semiconductor F8 CPU. It was not a large commercial success and was discontinued from the market less than three years after its initial release. Some of its lack of success has been attributed to the decision to substitute the APL/S programming language over the then-standard BASIC. Due to the high cost of RAM memory, it only contained 1 KB. It had a full-travel keyboard, unlike some early home computers that featured membrane keypads (and earlier kit machines that used switches), but with a very non-standard layout. It was designed by Dr. David Chung and Dr. Albert Yu
Much like her robotic brother Herbert Televox, robot Miss Katrina Van Televox toured the country demonstrating Westinghouse products. According to this ad in the October 3, 1930 Altoona Mirror (Altoona, PA) Miss Van Televox talks, answers the phone, runs a vacuum cleaner and makes coffee.
Adding the supposed cost of this robot to the ad, $22,000, was yet another way to give that feeling of inevitability which pops up repeatedly in 1930’s discussions of robots.
“Katrina talks… answers the phone… runs a vacuum cleaner… makes coffee and toast… turns the lights on and off and does it all willingly at command from Mr. T. Barnard the Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Expert who is accompanying her on her tour. The audience will also assist Mr. Barnard in making Katrina work. Her appearance here at The American Legion Home is her first in Altoona and women of this city are cordially invited by the Penn Central Light & Power Co., sponsors of her visit, to attend her personal appearance.”
“Katrina is chief demonstrator of the famous Westinghouse Flavor Zone range and is the sister of Herbert Televox famous metal man who has shown before many scientific gatherings. As Katrina’s stay in Altoona is limited, The Penn Central Company ask all who wish to view these amazing demonstrations to plan their visit early. The admission is Free.”