The Mystery of the Iron Pillar Of Delhi, 375-413 AD


The Mystery of the Iron Pillar Of Delhi, 375-413 AD

This Iron Pillar, also known as Ashokan pillar, is near the Outub Minar Complex in Delhi, India. It was commissioned by the emperor Kumara Gupta I of the Gupta Dynasty (320-540) and was transplanted to Delhi during the 10th century. The pillar weighs more than six tons.

This pillar is of great interest to people because of the fact that it is extremely resistant to corrosion. Weathering and harsh, alternating dry and wet conditions do not affect this pillar. It does not even rust. This is because of its curious chemical metallic nature made of 98% pure wrought iron. Its ability to withstand corrosion has confused many scientist for over 1,600 years.

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