Art by Roger Garland for the 1984 Tolkien calendar

Art by Roger Garland for the 1984 Tolkien calendar published by Ballantine Books in 1983. It features art by Roger Garland based on The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion.

Art by Roger Garland for the 1984 Tolkien calendar
Roger Garland – The Gate of Morn
Art by Roger Garland for the 1984 Tolkien calendar
Roger Garland – Two Trees of Valinor
Art by Roger Garland for the 1984 Tolkien calendar
Roger Garland – Shelob
Art by Roger Garland for the 1984 Tolkien calendar
Roger Garland – Barad-dur
Art by Roger Garland for the 1984 Tolkien calendar
Roger Garland – The Haven of the Swans
Art by Roger Garland for the 1984 Tolkien calendar
Roger Garland – The Bridge of Khazad-dum
Art by Roger Garland for the 1984 Tolkien calendar
Roger Garland – Gandalf
Art by Roger Garland for the 1984 Tolkien calendar
Roger Garland – Ulmo
Art by Roger Garland for the 1984 Tolkien calendar
Roger Garland – Glaurung, the First of the Dragons of Morgoth
Art by Roger Garland for the 1984 Tolkien calendar
Roger Garland – Gollum
Art by Roger Garland for the 1984 Tolkien calendar
Roger Garland – The Lord of the Nazgul
Art by Roger Garland for the 1984 Tolkien calendar
Roger Garland – Melkor chained

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